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Practice Playlists
Rumba is a romantic rhythm dance done to a medium tempo 4/4 timing. This dance is characterized by a hip action known as cuban motion.
American Rumba-
This dance is done to 3/4 timing and is characterized by rise and fall and rotational movement around the dance floor.
American Waltz-
This is a fun and flirtatious up tempo dance done to 4/4 timing and characterized by Latin hip action and a syncopated rhythm
American Cha-Cha-
Foxtrot is a truly American dance done to 4/4 timing and characterized by a lilting action with linear and rotational movement around the dance floor.
American Foxtrot-
American East Coast Swing-
This is an fun energetic up-tempo dance done to a 4/4 timing and characterized by a syncopated rhythm and a bouncy feel. This dance is done to a variety of musical styles.
Tango is a very dramatic dance done to a 4/4 timing. this dance travels around the dance floor and is characterized by a staccato leg and footwork and quick body actions.
This dance arrived on the scene around the 1950's and was created to accommodate the slower rhythm & blues music. It is a playful dance done in a slot and allows for more couples on the dance floor.
American West Coast Swing-
This is the slowest of the Rhythm dances and is characterized by a romantic interaction between partners and a body rise not utilizes in the other rhythm dances.
Mambo is a very rhythm dance done to 4/4 timing with a latin hip action, salsa also falls into this dance style the biggest difference is mambo breaks on the 2 count while salsa can begin on any beat in the measure but usually breaks on the 1 count.
This dance is similar to the foxtrot but danced a a much faster tempo. Although this is an International Standard dance style, there is an American style version of this dance made popular in recent years. This dance is characterized by chasses and lock steps and travels around the dance floor.
Viennese Waltz-
Viennese Waltz is danced to 3/4 timing and is a much faster tempo than the American Slow Waltz. This dance is characterized by rotational movements that travel around the floor.
This style encompasses a variety of individual dances derived from the American style ballroom dances. These dances are characterized by a lot of turn combinations and "tricks" executed by both partners
Country Two Step-
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